
Tuesday, 5 February 2013


UHURUTO PRESIDENCY IS A SHERM! AS THEY SCREWED MUDAVADI SO THEY WILL SCREW YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY. It's this simple! Can't you see how Ruto is holding on the IDP land? What does that tell you? These answers are simple! Ruto robbed a poor IDP of his land...and he has no mercy and human soul to return it to the rightful owner without prolonged court cases and he is exerting more financial burden on a poor IDP.Ruto is causing pain to an already hurting person. Is this right for a rich man like Ruto, to do such a thing to a fellow Kenyan? Ladies and gentlemen, is this the kind of vice president you want to rule your country ? I doubt! Do not be seduced by a sweetened manifesto...these are just words. They mean nothing if the intent of the heart is different from the script. With the mouth they say what the public want to hear, but with their hearts they mean something totally different. Can you trust such people? Remember the "legal MOU" document that Uhuru, Ruto and Mudavadi signed? Were those words well written and sweetened for mudavadi to sign? Was mudavadi seduced by the sweetness of the letter and spirit of the MOU? How long did that sweetness last? Just think! Did you forget what happened to Mudavadi when he was told the document was a worthless piece of paper with no legal binding? Hehehehehe! Uhuruto si MICHEZO! Hawa ni Maconman. Did Uhuru for a minute believe in his heart anything in that document was worth anything, when they were trading signatures with mudavadi? The answer is simply ..No! Did mudavadi fall for words in black and white crafted by the most crafty deceptive human beings in the history of Kenya? You bet he did. Thats why i tell you, Uhuru and Ruto cannot be trusted... not for a single moment with any promise they make. It's this simple! Did the devil actually talked to Uhuru? Was the MOU convincing? Where is Mudavadi now? Watch out for these two rascals ..hawachezi! Think!..and think again my fellow Kenyans, before your vote becomes, pigs fat, to fry your own livelihood and your country. This is a trustworthy statement. Remember, Ruto is a billioner and Uhuru is a multibillioner. If things go wrong in this country, these two will run with there families and you will remain eating dust and sawdust in Kenya. Be wise..and vote wisely. Kenyans, be warned! What you saw happen to Mudavadi was a test drive of what is about to happen to you and to your country if you elected uhuruto as president and vice president come March 4th. Do not say i did not tell is a sacred secret the right thing! Trust me! There is no change of heart in these two ICC charged. Do not be dupped! They are serving their selfish interests...nothing for you's all about them! Uhuru and Ruto are not interested with Kenyans progress, Kenyan economy, investment in youth, and security? No..they are only interested in themselves..period! Why do they want to do it now. They had all the time and resources to do everything they are claiming they want to do now. What they should be telling us is; this what we have done for the country, and this is what we will do now. That alone is a credible way of building a strong case to the Kenyan people. If it's writing a manifesto, i can write a better manifesto single handily myself, better than them. I know enough about my country ..and i am not bragging's a fact! But it will be mare actions. Uhuru, with the massive wealth he has, he could have done all these things he is saying and continue doing them, whether he is elected president or is Ruto...but no...they are just itching your ear..thats all! The truth is, uhuruto want to evade justice. Because icc is hanging on their necks, uhuruto are running around like chickens without heads with silly manifestos to convince the public that they are the most caring, most compassionate and most loving leaders we have. age? Hehehehehe if they will be running the country through facebook and Twitter accounts from prison. What a silly bunch! If this is true, that they are as caring as they claim to be, why is Ruto still holding IDP land? If this is true, Uhuru is that compassionate, it's been almost 6yrs since PEV, why didn't Uhuru give some of his lands to resettle IDPs? People are still displaced now! How compassionate is that? These are all lies! Kenyans don't be fooled. Uhuru and Ruto are fighting tooth and nail to deliver themselves from the international Criminal Court. Now that's the truth! This is the only reason they are running for president and vice president; it's the reason they are spending billions of their own money in campaigns; it's the basis of their marriage of convenience. ..and you the voter, you are being used to fulfill this personal and selfish objective. Say no to Uhuru and Ruto.. VOTE WISELY...and save your soul and your country from this grave calamity about to happen. The day Uhuru and Ruto enters into state house, it is the day your life as a Kenyan will change for the worst. I hope you will not vote to save two people from the international Criminal Court and destroy 40 million plus lives of innocent Kenyans who will be bombarded with sanctions. A snake is not a jump rope to play with..the venom is poisonous no matter how little a snake it may be. My fellow country men, please pray! Pray for wisdom ..pray for discernment ..and God who is not a respector of persons will shade his light into your hearts and minds and will lead you to the truth ..the hidden reality about to happen to this country. This is the truth ..nothing but the truth. Share it with someone you love. God bless Kenya, God bless the great people of this land, we all dare to call home! It's this simple!

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