After checking whether there was someone in sight, the ayah quickly starts masturbating forgetting that the baby was watching all this time and oblivious of the fact that her actions may affect the baby later. And when the baby seems to interrupt her “good time”, she sloppily carries it to pacify her.
Thursday, November 22, 2012 - Ever wondered what really happens in your household when you leave your child under the care of your house help? You can rest assured only 30% are good things happening to your child.
KTN featured its very own Nannies Diarywhich is an investigative story about house helps in Kenya. The story was dubbed Maajabu ya Mayaya a narration by KTN’s Swahili news anchor Lulu Hassan.
In her investigations, Lulu planted hidden cameras at a random house and took details of what goes on during the day when the house help is left with the child. The house help of this particular house at one time puts the baby aside and goes on to pleasure herself.
As she masturbates the child watches her, knowing so well that what she is doing will affect the baby’s growth in future.
Below is the video courtesy of KTN.(Link>>>> )
Check out this heinous act below;
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